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フレームレート60と59.94の違い/Difference between a frame rate of 60 and 59.94

(English Below)


















■English translation

What is frame rate?

The number of times a frame (still image) of a video is displayed in one second. The frame rate has a significant impact on the smoothness and viewing experience of a video. Currently, the most common frame rate is 60 fps, although 59.94 fps is also often used. This article details the difference between frame rates 60 and 59.94.

What is the difference between frame rates 60 and 59.94?

Frame rate 60 and 59.94 are numerically similar, but are actually different frame rates. A frame rate of 60 means 60 frames per second. A frame rate of 59.94, on the other hand, means to display approximately 59.94 frames per second. This difference stems from the history of video standards.

In the past, when television broadcasting began in North America, the frame rate was 60 fps. However, this frame rate caused problems with synchronization between video and audio. Therefore, it became necessary to fine-tune the frame rate. As a result, a frame rate of 59.94 was adopted. This improved the synchronization of video and audio and established it as the standard for television broadcasting in North America.

Comparison of frame rate 60 and 59.94

Although there is only a slight numerical difference between frame rate 60 and 59.94, there are actually several differences.

First, frame rate 60 displays 60 frames per second, which allows for smoother and more natural motion. On the other hand, frame rate 59.94 displays approximately 59.94 frames per second, which can be somewhat less smooth.

The frame rate of 60 is also suitable for video with fast movements or sudden camera movements. This is because 60 fps has more frames and can capture minute changes in motion. On the other hand, a frame rate of 59.94 is suitable for relatively still video or video with slow motion.

Furthermore, a frame rate of 60 is also suitable for computer graphics such as games and animation. This is because CG is generated within the computer, so there is no limit to the frame rate. On the other hand, a frame rate of 59.94 is suitable for live-action video, such as television and movies.

Finally, a frame rate of 60 is often used to synchronize with audio. This is because audio is recorded at 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz, and frame rate 60 allows frames to be displayed at the same time as the audio. On the other hand, a frame rate of 59.94 may need to be fine-tuned to synchronize with the audio.


Although frame rates 60 and 59.94 are numerically similar, there are actually several differences. Frame rate 60 produces smoother video and is suitable for video with high-speed motion or sudden camera movements. On the other hand, a frame rate of 59.94 is suitable for relatively still or slow-moving video. There are also subtle differences in synchronization with audio. It is important to understand these differences and select the optimal frame rate for video production.